04 June 2011

Good and Bad

Slid onto a bad patch and had a hard day. Today was the day I met my new psychiatrist and I was anxious and prickly. Took a couple of klonopin before we left, but even that didn't help.

I tried to like her, really, but the first thing she did wad up my Lamictal dose to 200mg, and that kind of scares me. From everything I've read, it needs to be increased slowly over a period of several weeks. I've only just worked up to 125mg, and now she wants me at 200mg. And she's dropping my klonopin to just 1 a day (down from 4), and giving me a different antidepressant to take at night so I can actually fall asleep and stay asleep. I went to bed around 10, and here it is 1:30 and I'm wide awake.

And her solution to my job stress? "Have you thought about getting a new job?" seriously, she said that. She said the same thing to my friend. It reminds me of that MadTV skit with Bob Newhart playing the therapist. He'd listen and say "STOP IT!" (link is above, sounds just like the advice I got for free from my Dad)

But, with the bad comes the good. On my way out, I spotted one of my favourite people from group. Apparently he was assigned to Doctor Bitch as well.

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