01 June 2011


I know I'm bipolar, and it has a certain stigma. Oh well, that's the way people want to be. Fuck 'em. Found out my niece had a baby today. Don't know the gender (guess my brother's wife assumed I'd know) but that's not what I'm feeling upset about. She emailed my two sisters. Not me, or my parents. Seriously - what the fuck is that about? That makes me feel really left out of important events in my family. My parents are probably more of the "at least we know" camp, but I am honestly pissed. Why was I left out, and why was it left to my sister to share the news?


  1. I don't even know what to say to any of that. I am disgusted with your language and the twisting of the facts. You obviously wrote about your version of the truth before you had the real details. I hope you know you hurt many, many people with this latest blog. You turned a lovely event into chaos.
    Take away thought; Get your facts straight before you put them on the web for everyone to read. Don't blame your illness for this, you were wrong.

  2. Wow. Judgemental much? I thought I was allowed to express my feelings. Has it ever occurred to you that maybe I don't do enough of that and that's why I keep everything to myself?

    I was hurt and angry that I heard this info second-hand, and I have every right to feel that way. My version of the truth is the way I perceived things to happen. Just because I didn't see things the same, doesn't mean they aren't valid.

    And that caused chaos? Please. Since when did my feelings on anything in this family matter?
